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Deconstruction of a lighter: Progress

For my reverse engineered object I had first chosen a lighter though after realizing I could not take it apart without destroying it I chose to the "Bic" lighter, a commonplace lighter sold around the world. 
(Flick my Bic? that just sounds wrong)

(The Bic Dissembled)
Oval shape for the lighter

The Lighter  body curve extruded and caped

overlapping and oval with and oval trim to the shape  of the  red plastic lighter gas button and metal flame housing

Post triming

Once curveextruded we have the two approximattive shapes

I then created the  springs using the  "spiral command" and counting the spirals on each of the lighter springs./

extruded cylinder for the easy to model flint
flint capped and shaded
gas  nosel approxamitive  shape

Spark wheel: a circle and 60 pointed star

Curve extruded rigged parts and center cylinder

caped spark wheel
Everything modeled so far

All in all I have done approximate shapes of all the components of this reverse engineered Bic lighter, time to star taking measurements with the digital caliper to make everything to the proper scale and refine the forms and assemble them together.


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